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Photo of attorneys John Gettinger, Gregory Monteleone and Steven Waldinger

Do you need a business license in New York?

On Behalf of | Jul 19, 2024 | Business Law

You want to start a business in New York, but you have a lot of questions. What permits do you need? What licenses are required? If you don’t get the proper ones in advance, is your business going to be shut down? 

This can be a complicated situation. On one hand, New York does not have a standard business license that all business owners have to purchase. Instead, business owners have to consider their companies individually. Some businesses certainly do need licenses and permits, but it’s up to the business owner to find out what their obligations are.

The New York government provides a checklist owners can use to determine what licenses are needed in each specific situation. But there is no one singular license or permit that can be used by all.

Food processing licenses

One example of this is that food processing companies do need to have an Article 20-C License. This is a license for a food processing establishment.

But that doesn’t just mean a processing plant or a food manufacturer. Perhaps you are starting a retail food establishment, such as a grocery store. Maybe you’re running a deli where you will be slicing meat and cheese. These activities often mean that you need the Article 20-C License.

Another example is if you are running a bar or a restaurant. You need to have the proper license to serve alcohol on the premises. A company that doesn’t have a license could certainly be fined and even shut down. Some establishments will lose their license for violations, such as serving alcohol to minors.

The licensing and permit system in New York can get complex. As a business owner, be sure you know exactly what steps to take.

